化工过程安全中心(CCPS)是美国化学工程师协会(AIchE)的下属机构,是化工过程安全领域最知名的非盈利性机构之一。CCPS推出了CRW(化学品兼容性工作表)、工艺安全指示灯等备受好评的工具,旗下的安全指南书系(Guidelines for XX)更是得到了广泛认可。其中关于LOPA、Bowtie等的介绍书籍,经翻译引进后,在国内起到了近似教科书的作用。
《Guidelines for Managing abnormal situations》 2022 异常状况处置指南 应急
《Guidelines for revalidating a process hazard analysis》 2022(2) 过程危害分析复审指南 工艺危害分析
《Process Safety for engineers:An introduction》 2022(2) 工程师视角的过程安全 综述类
《Human factors handbook for process plant operations》 2022 装置操作的认为因素手册 操作与人为因素
《Managing cybersecurity in the process industries: A risk-based approach> 2022 过程工业的网络安全管理
<Driving continuous process safety improvement from investigated incidents> 2021 由事故调查到连续工艺的安全改进 事故管理
<Process safety in upstream oil and gas> 2021 上游油气的过程安全
<Guidelines for process safety during the transient operating mode: managing risks during process start-up and shut-downs> 2020 转变状态的过程安全指南:开停车管理 操作与人为因素
<Guide for making acute risk decisions> 2019 即时风险决策指南 应急
<Guidelines for inherently safer chemical processes: A life cycle approach> 2019(3) 2010(2) 全生命周期的本质安全指南 本质安全
<More incidents that define process safety> 2019 (更多的)定义过程安全的事故 事故管理
<Process safety leadership from the boardroom to the frontline> 2019 安全领导力:从董事会到一线 综述(安全文化)
<Guidelines for investigating process safety incidents> 2019(3) 2003(2) 过程安全事故调查指南 事故管理
<Guidelines for integrating process safety into engineering projects> 2018 过程安全与工程项目的整合指南 综述
<Recognizing and responding to normalization of deviance> 2018 偏差正常化的识别与响应 操作?
<Bowties in risk management: a concept book for process safety> 2018 Bowtie与风险管理:过程安全概念书(已引进)
<Essential practices for creating, strengthening, and sustaining process safety culture> 2018 创建、加强和维护过程安全文化的必要实践 安全文化
<Dealing with aging process facilities and infrastructure> 2018 老旧设备设施的处置
<Guidelines for siting and layout of facilities> 2018(2) 2010 选址与布局指南
<Guidelines for pressure relief and effluent handing systems> 2017(2) 1998 泄放与排污系统指南 QRA相关 泄放
<Guidelines for combustible dust hazard analysis> 2017 可燃粉尘危害分析指南 工艺危害分析 QRA相关
<Guidelines for mechanical integrity systems> 2006 机械完整性系统指南 机械完整性
<Guidelines for safe automation of chemical process> 2016(2) 化工过程安全自动化指南(已引进?)
<Guidelines for asset integrity management> 2016 资产完整性管理指南
<Guidelines for implementing process safety management> 2016(2) 2010 过程安全管理的落实指南 综述
<Guidelines for integrating management systems and metrics to improve process safety performance> 2016 管理系统与指标整合 综述
<Guidelines for defining process safety competency requirements> 2014 过程安全指标的制定 综述
<Guidelines for initiating events and independent protection layers in layer of protection analysis> 2014 保护层分析:起始事件与独立保护层(已引进)
<Guidelines for determining the probability of ignition of a released flammable mass> 2014 可燃物泄漏后的点火概率选取 QRA相关
<Guidelines for managing process safety risks during organizational change> 2013 组织机构变更时的风险管理 综述
<Guidelines for enabling conditions and conditional modifiers in layer of protection analysis>2013 保护层分析:使能条件与修正因子(已引进)
<Guidelines for process safety acquisition evaluation and post merger integration> 2010
<Guidelines for process safety in outsourced manufacturing operations> 2000 外包操作安全管理 操作
<Recognizing catastrophic incident warning signs in the process industries> 2011 识别灾难性事故的前期预警信号 事故管理
<Incidents that define process safety> 2008 定义过程安全的事故 事故管理
<Guidelines for evaluating process plant buildings for external explosions, fires and toxic releases> 2012(2) 外部爆炸、火灾和有毒物料泄漏时的装置风险评估指南 QRA相关
<Guidelines for engineering design for process safety> 2012(2) 过程安全工程设计指南 综述 设计
<Guidelines for process safety in bioprocess manufacturing facilities> 2010 生化装置过程安全指南 综述
<Conduct of operations and operational discipline: for improving process safety in industry> 2011 工厂安全操作 综述 操作
<Guidelines for vapor cloud explosion, pressure vessel burst, BLEVE and flashfire hazards> 2010(2) 蒸汽云爆炸、压力容器破裂、BLEVE与闪火风险指南 QRA相关
<Guidelines for writing effective operating and maintenance procedures> 1996 操作规程书写指南
<Guidelines for auditing process safety management systems> 2011(2) 过程安全管理体系审查指南 综述
<Guidelines for performing effective pre-startup safety reviews> 2007 PSSR指南 综述
<Layer of protection analysis: simplified process risk assessment> 2001 保护层分析:简化的过程风险评估(已引进)
<Guidelines for risk based process safety> 2007 基于风险的过程安全指南 综述
<Guidelines for safe and reliable instrumented protective system> 2007 仪表保护系统安全与可靠性指南 仪表
<Guidelines for hazard evaluation procedures> 2008(3) 危险评估指南 工艺危害分析
<Guidelines for management of change for process safety> 2008 过程安全变更管理指南 变更
<Guidelines for safe process operations and maintenance> 1995 安全操作与维修指南 操作 维修
<Guidelines for evaluating the characteristics of vapor cloud explosions, flashfires and BLEVE> 2010 爆炸、闪火与BLEVE的特性评估指南 QRA相关
<Guidelines for process equipment reliability data, with data tables> 1989 装备可靠性数据及指南 完整性
<Tools for making acute risk decisions: with chemical process safety applications> 1994 即时应急决策工具 应急
<Guidelines for process safety fundamentals in general plant operations> 1995 通用装置操作中的过程安全基础? 操作
<Guidelines for consequence analysis of chemical releases> 1999 泄漏后果分析指南 QRA相关
<Guidelines for chemical process quantitative risk analysis> 1999(2) 化工过程定量风险分析指南 QRA相关
<Guidelines for process safety documentation> 1995 过程安全文档化指南 综述
<Guidelines for chemical reactivity evaluation and application to process design> 1995 化学反应评估与过程设计应用指南 工艺危害分析相关
<Guidelines for safe warehousing of chemicals> 1998 化学品仓库安全指南 仓储
<Guidelines for postrelease mitigation technology in the chemical process industry> 1996
<Guidelines for technical planning for on-site emergencies> 1995
<Guidelines for design solutions for process equipment failures> 1998 设备失效措施设计指南 完整性
<Guidelines for safe storage and handling of reactive materials> 1995 活性物质安全储存指南 仓储
<Guidelines for use of vapor cloud dispersion models> 1996(2) 蒸汽云扩散模型应用指南 QRA相关
<Guidelines for integrating process safety management, environment, safety, health and quality> 1996 QHSE整合指南
<Guidelines for improving plant reliability through data collection and analysis> 1998 通过数据收集与分析,提高装置可靠性 完整性相关
<Guidelines for process safety in batch reaction systems> 1999 间歇反应系统过程安全指南
<Emergency planning: preparedness, prevention and response> 2005 应急计划:准备、预防与响应 应急
<A practical approach to hazard identification for operations and maintenance workers> 2010 操作与维修工人风险辨识方法 操作相关
<Guidelines for analyzing and managing the security vulnerabilities of fixed chemical sites> 2010
<Guidelines for preventing human error in process safety> 2004 避免人为错误 操作
<Guidelines for fire protection in chemical, petrochemical, and hydrocarbon prcessing facilities> 2003 石化装置火灾防护指南 综述
<Guidelines for safe handling of powders and bulk solids> 2004 粉状与块状固体安全处置指南 综述
<Guidelines for chemical transportation safety, security, and risk management> 2008(2) 化学品运输安全指南 化学品相关
<Continuous monitoring for hazardous material releases> 2009 危险化学品泄露的持续监测
<Guidelines for process safety metrics> 2009 过程安全指标的指定 综述
<Guidelines for developing quatitative safety risk criteria> 2009 开发定量的风险标准 综述
<Human factors methods for improving performance in the process industries> 2006 提升化工企业人为因素
联系人:李强 liqiang@opex-tech.com